Location: New Jersey, United States

Thursday, February 16, 2006


I feel so anxious lately, sort of bitter and angry. I think I'm just tired. I feel bad, but today all I could think about was the fact that I had to get out of bed at 6:20 am and go to work while my husband slept. It was like I could not stop thinking about it.

I had to deal with car stuff. Our car failed inspection in DEC b/c they said we needed new front brakes and it's the middle of FEB and nothing has been done. So my husband asks me to ask if they will look at it at work (I work for a trucking company and there is a shop on sight that is for the trucks but since my dad is the president I might as well ask). So I have to drop the car off, get a lecture that there is no registration or insurance card in there (I gave them to my husband in DEC and he still hasn't put them in there yet) and also why am I just bringing it now when it failed in DEC. So they call me and tell me all the stuff they need to do and we need new back brakes, etc, etc. I call Rob and he's like, "We just got back brakes" and he's acting all suspcious that my dad's company is ripping us off (HELLO, they don't even charge Labor) and I'm aggraveted that I have to deal with this and he's at home doing WHAT???? Why am I having to deal with this crap?

After work, I want to go home, but there is no milk or cereal, so I have to go shopping. I get home and I'm putting the groceries away and ask Rob to take out the trash and as I'm putting food in the fridge I noticed there was some older food in there so I asked him to wait a sec so I can throw it in the bag he is bringing outside and he's like "Come on Jen. Blah Blah Blah" Like he can't do ONE thing for me without complaining!! There are all dirty dishes in the sink, I have to put them in the dishwasher and run it, I go upstairs to change and the bed isn't made, clothes all over the floor. Then he comes up and shows me his new isight that he got at the store today. That was his day- going to CompUSA. I feel so under appreciated. I work my ass off, I never complain, I do the laundry and clean and pay the bills, do the shopping, try to cook (he does help with that) and I feel like all he does is lecture me. It is so stressful sometimes and I feel like I resent him. I can't tell him that b/c he is sensitive and feels bad about himself. I have to keeo it alll inside. Most of the time, it doesn't bother me, but today I felt so angry at him.


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