Location: New Jersey, United States

Thursday, January 26, 2006

I have been there- Mark Schultz

Well, here I am 9 days after my IUI. So far, I don't have any pregnancy symptoms. I'm really hoping this works out for me and I don't have to go through IVF. This past week, I've come to a peaceful point in this process and I'm finally feeling like I am leaving it in God's hands. I truly believe that we will have a child and I am trusting Him with the rest- when, how, etc? A turning point for me this past week was last Friday on the way home from work. I heard a song on Star 99.1 my favorite radio station called "I Have Been There" by Mark Schultz. I kept thinking God knows all my pain and sorrow right now. He HAS been there. I keep thinking of Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane, how he was pouring his heart out to His Father. How He was tempted, betrayed, hated by people, saw loved ones die and the world around him knowing many would reject Him. He has been where I am and He is with me now. Tears were pouring down my cheeks and I felt like God had lifted up my heart back to where it belongs and taken a huge weight off my shoulders. I felt so loved and humbled. Hard to explain, but I am at peace. I had been feeling so angry and hateful lately and that just isn't me. Anyway....

My mom, sister, nephew and grandmother met me for lunch today. It was so nice to get out of work for 2 hours. It reminds me of skipping school. I ate like a pig and forgot that I have to go to my endocronolist tonight. My A1C went down from 6.5 to 6.2 which is much better than I had expected since this was my first holiday season as a Diabetic. Well, better head out to the Endo. Below are the words to the song I heard:

In a room without a view
A new mother smiles and holds the tiny fingers
Of her brand new baby girl
Her husband takes her by the hand
So unsure about the future and no money
Can they make it in this world
And they pray, Lord all we have to give is love
Then they heard a gentle voice
Like an echo from above

Oh I have been there
I know what fear is all about
Yes, I have been there
And I am standing with you now
I have been there
And I came to build a bridge oh so this road could
Lead you home
Oh I have been there

He’d been a pastor twenty years
But tonight he sits alone and brokenhearted
In the corner of the church
He’s tried to change a fallen world
With his words and with his wisdom
But it seems like it is only getting worse
And he cries
Oh Lord I just don’t understand
And then he felt the hand of grace,
And he heard a voice that said

I have been there
I know what pain is all about
Yes, I have been there
And I am standing with you now
I have been there
And I came to build to a bridge oh so
This road could lead you home
Oh I have been there

An older man up on a hill
Holding flowers but he can’t hold back the tears
He has come to say goodbye
He thinks about the life she lived
Thinks about how hard it’s been
To live without her
Sixty years right by his side
And he cries, Oh Lord I loved her
‘til the end
Then he heard a gentle voice say you’ll see her once again

I have been there
I know what sorrow is all about
Yes, I have been there
And I am standing with you now
I have been there
And I came to build a bridge
Oh so this road could lead her home
The road could lead her home
Oh I have been there

You know I overcame the cross
I have been there
So her life would not be lost
I have been there
And I came to build a bridge
Oh so this road could lead you home
The road could lead you home
Oh I have been there


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