Sore bum, Asbestos and KFC
That pretty much sums up my day!
My butt is killing me from my trigger shot last night. It was so depressing going in to the Dr. Z's office yesterday morning for bloodwork and ultrasound with all of the ladies going in for their egg retrievals. There names were all highlighted on the lab tech's sheet and mine wasn't. How sad for me, the one who's cycle was cancelled. Off the cuff...I can't beleive "Reunion" was cancelled!! So last night we did the HCG shot and I was so scared even though I do 5 insulin shots a day, but it wasn't bad at all, actually I didn't even feel it go in. I'm feeling it today though, I can't even cross my legs without it killing me.
We are in the process of redoing our downstairs and Rob calls me at work today all freaked out saying the lady at Home Depot said the tiles under our floor are asbestos and we have been exposed since we took up the floor over it. He's all upset b/c we've been hanging out down there all week, pets running around, my nieces spent the night, etc. He didn't know what to do or who to call- I'm picturing men in moon suits and a tent around our house like in E.T. Just what I needed to hear! Turns out the lady at Home Depot has only been there a week and the asbestos is non fryable?? and not dangerous.
So, I decided to leave work early today to get my quarterly A1C blood test. I usually go first thing in the morning, but frankly, I'm tired of getting up at 5:30 and having blood sucked out of me and cold hands and a wand inside of me, so I took the liberty of leaving work a little early. Of course, I can never just relax when I have extra time off of work, so I went to Costco and spent a small fortune. I hate going, so when I do go, I buy enough food and TP to last a few months. I get home and as I'm unloading my car, item by item since they have no bags there, Rob says he needs me to go to Home Depot with him. After all of that, I didn't feel like making dinner, so Rob suggests KFC, a diabetics nightmare. We brought home chicken (duh), mashed potatoes, mac and cheese and biscuits, so I gave myself 9 units of insulin and tried to eat it. Our house smells like a bowling alley since we took up the old floors and the chicken was all greasy and slimy, I totally lost my appetite, but I had taken all of this insulin, so I had to have 2 cookies I stole from work. So now I'm sitting here on my couch covered in sawdust and asbestos in the middle of an empty room with no floor watching American Idol. I'm rambling so my blood sugar is probably low. Anyway...that is my day.
I'm curious to see what my next A1C is. This week is my 1 year anniversary as a Diabetic. My first A1c was 12 last January when I was diagnosed. Then it went down to 6.5, then to 5.9, and back up to 6.5. I'm thinking it will be higher this time b/c of all the fertility drugs. We shall see next week. Below is a picture of my family the night I learned I probably had Diabetes. I call it waving my old life good-bye!! Right after I took that picture, I asked my sister to test my blood sugar and it was 599.
My butt is killing me from my trigger shot last night. It was so depressing going in to the Dr. Z's office yesterday morning for bloodwork and ultrasound with all of the ladies going in for their egg retrievals. There names were all highlighted on the lab tech's sheet and mine wasn't. How sad for me, the one who's cycle was cancelled. Off the cuff...I can't beleive "Reunion" was cancelled!! So last night we did the HCG shot and I was so scared even though I do 5 insulin shots a day, but it wasn't bad at all, actually I didn't even feel it go in. I'm feeling it today though, I can't even cross my legs without it killing me.
We are in the process of redoing our downstairs and Rob calls me at work today all freaked out saying the lady at Home Depot said the tiles under our floor are asbestos and we have been exposed since we took up the floor over it. He's all upset b/c we've been hanging out down there all week, pets running around, my nieces spent the night, etc. He didn't know what to do or who to call- I'm picturing men in moon suits and a tent around our house like in E.T. Just what I needed to hear! Turns out the lady at Home Depot has only been there a week and the asbestos is non fryable?? and not dangerous.
So, I decided to leave work early today to get my quarterly A1C blood test. I usually go first thing in the morning, but frankly, I'm tired of getting up at 5:30 and having blood sucked out of me and cold hands and a wand inside of me, so I took the liberty of leaving work a little early. Of course, I can never just relax when I have extra time off of work, so I went to Costco and spent a small fortune. I hate going, so when I do go, I buy enough food and TP to last a few months. I get home and as I'm unloading my car, item by item since they have no bags there, Rob says he needs me to go to Home Depot with him. After all of that, I didn't feel like making dinner, so Rob suggests KFC, a diabetics nightmare. We brought home chicken (duh), mashed potatoes, mac and cheese and biscuits, so I gave myself 9 units of insulin and tried to eat it. Our house smells like a bowling alley since we took up the old floors and the chicken was all greasy and slimy, I totally lost my appetite, but I had taken all of this insulin, so I had to have 2 cookies I stole from work. So now I'm sitting here on my couch covered in sawdust and asbestos in the middle of an empty room with no floor watching American Idol. I'm rambling so my blood sugar is probably low. Anyway...that is my day.
I'm curious to see what my next A1C is. This week is my 1 year anniversary as a Diabetic. My first A1c was 12 last January when I was diagnosed. Then it went down to 6.5, then to 5.9, and back up to 6.5. I'm thinking it will be higher this time b/c of all the fertility drugs. We shall see next week. Below is a picture of my family the night I learned I probably had Diabetes. I call it waving my old life good-bye!! Right after I took that picture, I asked my sister to test my blood sugar and it was 599.

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