Back for Seconds
Was it a week ago that I made the cinnamon rolls? Seems like it was less time than that. Anywho...they were SO good. As full as I was before they were done, I still had one and later that night another. I gave myself 4 units of insulin for each one and was happy to see my bloodsugar after that was 141. I tested Rob's after mine and his was 142!! I don't think that is that high, but it was nice to be lower than him. As I type this, I can hear the breadmaker kneading my latest creation- Challuh Bread! If I have eneough time, I'm going to make a breakfasty apple nut bread. Ummmmm. I'm starving. I'm not sure what this new bread making spree I'm on is all about. Maybe b/c we are studying 1st Peter in church- all about being a good wife so far these past few weeks. Today it was kind of cool b/c Pastor Greg was saying how the woman was made last. We are God's last creation-He poured everything into us to make us beautiful, gentle, intelligent, etc. Obviously, I'm paraphrasing, but it sounded really cool today. I'll have to remember that when/if we have a daughter. Read that passage to her to help her know her value.
I have no desire to watch the Super Bowl tonight. This is the first time in forever that we are not doing anything, but it's kind of nice to be a bum. I should clean the house or shower or dye my graying head, but Nah. We have 2 extra dogs here and dust from sanding the ceiling in Rob's office, so why bother? Oh, Rob submitted us for this E Entertainment show that makes a room over to look like a celebrity's room. The asked us for more pictures and then called us and we both haad phone interviews. the lady said she loveed us and we were perfect candidates, so submitted us to network. I want to get it so bad. Here are the three rooms we submitted. As you can see, the bedroom is pretty uninspiring (no wonder I can't get pregnant), the dining room isn't too bad just needs some molding. The room we were both pushing is the sunroom b/c it needs a lot of work and we don't have to $$$$ to do it. I hope we get it, it would be some good news for a change!

I have no desire to watch the Super Bowl tonight. This is the first time in forever that we are not doing anything, but it's kind of nice to be a bum. I should clean the house or shower or dye my graying head, but Nah. We have 2 extra dogs here and dust from sanding the ceiling in Rob's office, so why bother? Oh, Rob submitted us for this E Entertainment show that makes a room over to look like a celebrity's room. The asked us for more pictures and then called us and we both haad phone interviews. the lady said she loveed us and we were perfect candidates, so submitted us to network. I want to get it so bad. Here are the three rooms we submitted. As you can see, the bedroom is pretty uninspiring (no wonder I can't get pregnant), the dining room isn't too bad just needs some molding. The room we were both pushing is the sunroom b/c it needs a lot of work and we don't have to $$$$ to do it. I hope we get it, it would be some good news for a change!

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