Location: New Jersey, United States

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Happy Anniversary!

Well, we got the call. BFP!! I'm in shock. I just want to get on my knees and praise God!! I have to go back on Fri and Mon for more bloodwork. I'm trusting God with that, I am leaving this in His hands.

After I went in for the blood work this morning, I went to bible study and then called work to say I wasn't coming in. Today is our 3rd anniversary and Rob thought we should be together when we get the call. So, Rob and I decided to take a drive down to the beach and have lunch and we were kind of lost and then my cell phone rings showing we have a message at home in our area code. My heart is POUNDING and I have Rob pull over and get out of the car and call home. Of course, I'm looking at him the the rearview mirror and his back is to me and then he comes back to the car shaking his head- it wasn't them. Phew. We start driving again and a minute later his cell rings and in the caller id I see it is our Dr.'s office so he pulls over and gets out of the car and he's got his back to me and he's talking forever! I could see his shoulders drop and I thought ok negative, not a surprise. He's probably getting instructions on our next atempt. He gets back in the car, he's crying and he kisses me and before I can think "sympathy kiss" he says "We're pregnant". I was in shock, we're both crying and shaking, we prayed and then drove around like dummies not knowing what to do. Very surreal. I kept asking if he was kidding and he was like "Uh no!!"

I know this is the begining of a long road, but I am just going to trust in God and I feel such peace.

Well, I'm going to crash now- I'm exhausetd!!


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